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class="entry-title display-4 text-center text-lg-start text-uppercase fw-bold text-white text-shadow pb-3 pt-4"> BLS-FIRST AID Course

Course Description

The BLS-FIRST AID course offers preparation for Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation and First Aid practices with particular attention to diving. The BLS-First Aid course was created to provide everyone with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively provide assistance and first aid in the most common traumas and injuries.


The BLS-FIRST AID course is open to students who have reached the age of 15 (the Junior BLS-First Aid course is available for students between the ages of 12 and 15).

Theoretical part

The BLS-FIRST AID course will deal with the emergency health system in Italy, the general aspects of Basic Life Support and First Aid (first aid and primary care-first aid and secondary care). In addition, the dangers of aquatic life will be discussed and a little mention will be made of the administration of oxygen.

Practical part

During the practical part there will be exercises regarding Primary Care: evaluation of the emergency scenario, use of protective barriers, CPR, lateral safety position, Heimlich maneuver and treatment of haemorrhages and shocks. Secondary Care exercises: performing bandages, splints, evaluation of trauma and injuries and transport of the injured person.


Upon passing the theoretical and practical exam, the BLS-First Aid NADD certification will be issued. This patent requires periodic updating, every 2 years.

Course Information
Lessons: 3
Minimum age: +15 years old



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