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class="entry-title display-4 text-center text-lg-start text-uppercase fw-bold text-white text-shadow pb-3 pt-4"> Rescue Diver Course

Course Description

The Rescue Diver course will allow you to acquire the knowledge necessary to prevent accidents and the techniques to manage any emergencies during a dive. At the end of the course, the diver will be able to carry out self-rescue, assistance and rescue, also providing necessary information on how to prevent such accidents.


The course is open to all those over 15 years of age and in possession of the Open Water Diver certification or higher with acquired diving experience (at least 10 registered dives)

For students aged between 12 and 15, the Junior Rescue Diver course is provided, in which they will increase their knowledge of self-rescue and safety in general.

Theoretical part

During the theoretical lessons you will learn self-rescue techniques, assistance and rescue to the partner, highlighting the concept of prevention and management of stress. In addition, the use and components of the medical oxygen unit and its administration will be studied.

Practical part

During the dives, intervention exercises will be carried out in the various underwater emergency scenarios, learning to manage problems such as stress, panic and breathlessness. In addition, you will learn the procedures for towing a conscious and unconscious victim and the methods for extracting it from the water.


At the end of the course, if passed successfully, the student will receive the RESCUE Diver NADD certification.

Course Information
Lessons: 10
Minimum age: +15 years old

Rescue Diver Course

Rescue Diver Course

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