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Covid-19 Security Measures

Our guidelines for Safe Scuba Diving, without the risk of contagion from Covid19. We have answered some FAQs, so that we can share new underwater adventures with you.

After the stop imposed by the first lockdown, we left with our activities: diving, diving courses, snorkeling and swimming lessons preparatory to scuba diving for children and adults.

Of course, this year and next 2021 will be very different from previous years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

ATIS Diving Club will continue to provide the best possible service, adapting its protocols and adopting more and more precautions to welcome our divers and our students in total safety.

We have always used the highest safety standards for the cleaning and sanitization procedures of our spaces and our diving equipment, and now we have further implemented them and adapted them to the new needs deriving from COVID-19.

To familiarize yourself with our updated procedures, we have created “FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions”, so that you can inform and update yourself on our daily operations:

What has changed in the ATIS Diving Club?

First of all, at ATIS Diving Club you will always find a dedicated, passionate and professional group of Instructors who will welcome you to do what we all love: SCUBA DIVING, SNORKELING and SWIMMING!

Is it safe to go to our school’s classrooms and diving center?

Both at the diving center and in the school, we follow the new guidelines presented by the Italian government, the Coast Guard and local authorities. In addition, we also apply the rules created by our Didactics, as well as those suggested by the DAN (Divers Alert Network).

What are the main guidelines for safe diving?

  • We advise you to book in advance through our website, in the dedicated section “Book your dive”, by filling in the required documents.
  • We invite you to take your body temperature; if above 37.5 degrees, access to the diving center will be denied.
  • We will make more use of the outdoor spaces and limit the places on our boats and in the classrooms, to maintain the distance.
  • We will respect the social distancing measures by keeping at least 1 meter between all customers and crew.
  • We will all wear personal protective equipment (mask and gloves), in accordance with the regulations; we will distribute these dpi to those who do not have them.
  • Soap and disinfectant gel will always be available, both in the classroom and on our boats.
  • All equipment will be kept in separate bags and containers after disinfection.

Can I rent equipment in total safety for scuba diving?

Yes, it is safe to use our rental equipment, which will be disinfected and sanitized with extreme care, after each use.

All members are aware of the necessary sanitation procedures for the equipment after each use. Furthermore, we recommend to those who were in possession of their own equipment, to pay attention and avoid that it comes into contact with that owned by ATIS Diving Club.

Is it possible to book a diving course?

Yes, we can offer all our diving courses, which always include a first theoretical and a practical part.

The theory can be carried out in the classroom, or, using the new E-Learning systems, made available to our didactics, with dedicated video lessons.

Once the theoretical part is finished, we will use the affiliated swimming pools for the practical part.

Our scuba diving will continue also in the winter period (except for a new lockdown).

During the briefings, the distance will be guaranteed at all times and the guidelines to be kept before and after the dive will be reiterated.

During the courses we will integrate the new skills with the updated provisions, to minimize the risk of transmission. So, when you are certified, you will be able to immerse yourself all over the world, thanks to the technical skills acquired, enriched by updates to minimize the risk of contagion.

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