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In many years of activity, we have been asked many questions, each one different from the other. Here are the main ones

Answering is always a pleasure! There is no diver who can't wait to tell you about his adventures under the sea, but for you who are reading for the first time, for those who have the desire to start this sport but have never had the courage for lack of answers, we have collected the most common ones, but certainly as many to do, so we Instructors are always available!

Our advice is to contact a Diving School Instructor, it is important to rely on a competent person to get correct answers to your questions and dispel your doubts.

Learning to dive is a lot easier than you think, even if you are not good at swimming. Every year we patent dozens of people aged 12 to over 65!

Before starting the practical part of the course, all aspiring divers must present a NON-COMPETITIVE medical certificate. In the certificate, the doctor must specify the type of sport, in this case, "Underwater Activity"

It depends. Our school complies with internationally recognized teaching programs. Obtaining the first patent is subject to the acquisition of specific theoretical and practical knowledge. The theory can be understood and studied in a relatively short time, while the time frame required to acquire the technique in water is subjective and depends on personal predisposition and aquatic skills.

The most dangerous living being at sea is man. Fish, even the largest ones, usually get scared and stay away from humans. Therefore, in their eyes, man does not appear as an interesting prey, on the contrary, at times, they are attracted to him, as they are intrigued. There are some dangerous marine animals, which do not attack unless they feel threatened. Usually, divers just observe them and take some photos, respecting the marine environment. When you dive, you are bewitched by the wonder of the underwater world, which is left intact, without therefore causing annoyance to the fish and other living beings that are there. It follows that there will be no dangers arising from the attack on any animal.

The water pressure is felt by our eardrums, but during the first course our instructors will teach you compensation in just a few minutes, in order to counterbalance this pressure and no longer have any discomfort or pain during the dive.

From the age of 8, it is possible for children to try diving (with adequate diving equipment). It is possible to obtain a “diving certificate” from 10 years of age. However, even after having obtained the certification, children have a limit in relation to the maximum depth to which they can dive, deriving from their age, and in any case they must always be accompanied by an Instructor.

Compared to other sports and outdoor activities, learning to dive is not particularly expensive, compared to some sports, for example: Surfing, Climbing, kayaking, golf, water skiing, etc. Learning to dive is of great value when you consider that you do it under the guidance and attention of your ITC Master Instructor. In addition, we provide all the equipment for free.

Aside from pregnancy, no. Since doctors do not have much information on the effect that diving has on the fetus, the recommendation is not to dive if you are pregnant. Normally, menstruation does not present contraindications for diving.

Just subscribe to the ATIS Diving Club AsD association, and as an associate, you can take advantage of all the benefits, discounts and free dives.

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